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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 54 - Tiger on my mind

No.  Not the one who used to prowl the eighteen holes.  And was innovative and creative enough to include a nineteenth one in the course. 

I am referring to our national animal.  Our national animal is fighting for its life.  At last count, only 1411 are left, from 40000 at the beginning of this century. 

I think there are two key reasons for this state of affairs. 
1) Poaching
2) Depletion of the natural habitat of this wonderful creature. 

Poaching is driven by greed.  And greed cannot be eliminated enmasse from society because it is driven by individual circumstances, wants, needs and background of each person.  So poaching cannot be stopped.  It can only be prevented.  It can be prevented by ensuring that the habitats of these tigers are protected in a water tight manner.  The authorities (politicians and the bureacracy) should be accountable for this.

Depletion of the natural habitat of the tiger is a key reason for them to venture into areas inhabited by man, resulting in man - animal conflict.  We need to preserve our forests.  We can do that by avoiding unnecessary usage of forests-derived products like paper and wood.

What can you do to save our tigers?  Please find some time to visit: to know how you can contribute to this initiative.  I, for one, want to be able to show my sons what a tiger looks like, in real.  Not the one with a club in his hand, though.

Meanwhile, the last week (and the weekend) was very hectic.  I spent a considerable amount of time planning my itinerary for the next two weeks.  Later tonight I embark on a two week journey for a key project, which will take me to Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York and London, in that order.  It is going to be hectic and very tiring.

Manish was in Mumbai this weekend to conduct a seminar on IFRS.  The weekend was spent in chauffering him to the venue / airport and back.  Good to see that he is being accorded such a lot of respect by his peers for his prowess on IFRS.  Kudos to him for sticking to his guns and focussing on it, from the time that the world had not even heard about IFRS.  He is another tiger that I know of!

I am not sure if I will be able to post anything in the next two weeks.  If that is the case, will do so once I am back.  Take care.

Save Our Tigers.


Horizon said...

Have a safe and enjoyable journey.What more to travel places, meet different people, know different culture.Wonderful experience.Savour the experience.Not many are as luck as you.Goes to prove that the more hard one works,the more luckier one gets :))

Suresh Iyer said...

Thanks Navin! Actually I could not go afterall and had to call it off at the last moment due to multiple higher priorities. And by the way, travelling is tiresome these days, hence not sure if I am getting any luckier..:-))

Venkysdiary said...

I think if you had travelled to all these places in two weeks, you would have become real tired..from East to West.. different time zones..good that you didnt go..

I agree with you that sometimes business travel is not all that interesting and engaging when there are other thoughts and committments, right?

Suresh Iyer said...

Absolutely right, Venkat.