This post is prompted by the Bharat Bandh call given by various political parties, including the BJP-led NDA and the Left parties in the country, for tomorrow. This is being planned, apparently, in protest against the fuel price hike, which was recently announced by the government and the general increase in inflation over the past few months.
So, what are we going to achieve by 'enforcing' a countrywide strike? Yes, 'enforcing' is the word being used in the media. These political parties of various hues which form the whole spectrum of the opposition parties in this country are all supporting the Bandh. From the right wing BJP to the Left parties, with a myriad mix goons, sycophants and stone age politicos included in between. Enforcing the strike means, there will be violence if you resist the 'Bandh'. You will be a likely target of mindless violence if you do not co-operate and shut shop. Essential services will be allowed but everybody else would be expected to co-operate.
So, who is expected to benefit from the day long strike? My view: Nobody!
You might find this strange coming from someone who has a socialist father. However, this strike is being 'enforced'. It is not an outcome of spontaneous support for the perpetrators of this strike unlike the non-violent movement led by the Mahatma. I abhor any kind of violence, and that is what every common man should do. This strike, like all other strikes, is going to result in a collosal wastage of 1 man day of effort; a loss of crores of rupees worth of production of goods and services. Not to mention the loss due to the violence, arson and loss of life, if it goes to that extent. Is the government likely to roll back the fuel price hike and suddenly regulate the prices of various food and vegetables? No. So, why the strike? Instead of enforcing a countrywide Bandh and causing losses of crores of rupees, it would make much better sense if these political parties offer to put their heads together with the government to come up with solutions to the price rise issue.
There are other questions to be answered as well, apart from the collosal loss to the exchequer. Spare a thought for that daily wages earner. If everything is shut, where does he earn his bread from? What about the hordes of organisations who have moved their key processes here as part of the ITES / BPO boom? Should those organisations also shut shop in their respective countries because we, Indians, are are on strike? Imagine the huge amount of time and effort that goes into planning for business continuity for such an event by all these organisations, which is exactly what I have been doing for the last few hours this Sunday evening! Phew!
I do not support this Bandh; nor should you! Take care.
Managers need to do some work right?!
Do they?
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