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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 334 - My Influences

Earlier last week, I attended a training program on 'Influencing Skills', along with a few of my colleagues!  Coming just after two days of campus hiring at Indore (and the resultant nostalgia around being in a campus environment all over again), this two day training program really made me feel like a student again.  The first day was a complete wash-out as the trainer could not hold our collective attentions together.  The second day was much better as the trainer learnt from the mistakes of the first day.

The reason that I mention this in this post is that at the start of the training program we were all asked the question : 'Who has been a big influence on you and why?' and that got me thinking about all the people who have been able to influence my thought processes, behaviours and even values and ethics, over the years.

First and foremost have been my parents, who ensured that the right values and ethics are ingrained from very early on.  I have written about this in a previous post and hence will not repeat myself.

During my school days, Samir Raiyani was a big influence.  Purely because his was a multifaceted personality. And he was good at whatever he got himself involved in.

A couple of others, namely Wali Azam Chaudhary and Ganesh Iyer, whom I have worked for in the past have also been very strong influences.  Both these gentlemen are very dynamic and are gifted with the ability to think out of the box.  Their sense of righteousness was also very inspiring.

Then there are a couple of others whom I worked with and have been quite impressed.  Vijay Lavate and Venu Madhav Indurthi figure in this category.  Especially with Vijay, I have had a very long association.  He is an ideal example of how one can reach for greater and better things while still being grounded to humble beginnings and core values.  Venu had this great ability to always speak his mind come what may, almost bordering on arrogance!

Inevitably, a lot of public personalities have also been great inspirations.  Mahatma Gandhi for his innovation, Amitabh Bachchan for the ability and the will to stand up and fight back every time he is down and out and Sachin Tendulkar for the consistency and sheer passion for his trade!

Hence, there is inspiration in people all around us.  One can learn a lot by just watching them.  Provided, of course, that we keep our eyes, ears and minds open to the key qualities that these people possess.

By the way, the training program was all about conceptual models of influencing skills to be aware of in work situations, which this post is not.

Take care.


Horizon said...

I agree Suresh , people around us influence us and also our behaviour to great extent. There is an old adage " Show me your friends and i will tell about you' , which nails this subject. People get influenced quite quickly that's why its often people around an individual who shape a person.

Suresh Iyer said...



Samir said...

Absolutely flattered and very pleasantly surprised, Suresh. The respect is mutual. I have learned a lot from you and your family (especially when we organized TeenTaal but also from your blog posts). Hope we get to meet again sometime soon. In the meantime, keep writing. I love your honest and refreshing writing style.

Suresh Iyer said...

Thank you for the compliments, Samir. Writing is indeed a good creative hobby, the roots of which probably lie in our adventures in putting out the school magazine! We should definitely catch up the next time you are in India.
