Precisely my point u ....why?
Why the kolaveri over u Kolaveri? The song u which comes across as a spontaneous, casual and a light-hearted recording u of some u silly Tanglish (Tamil & English) lyrics u over a lazy afternoon, has now become not only a national u, but an international u sensation u! There are at least u ten versions u of the song u in various other Indian u languages. I have also seen the Japanese do aerobics u to the Kolaveri beats u, there is an English R & B version u, there is a Bhangra Pop version u and God knows u how many more u!?!? Last u heard u, Sony, the music label that owns the music rights u, was planning to get some u official remixes out soon u!
So, what works for this song u? First and foremost u, the power u of viral marketing u by leveraging the social u media! It has won u the YouTube u Gold award u, with more than 27 million hits u for the video and counting u. Various versions of the song u have been 'shared' u on Facebook u by about 7.5 million people. All of these facts u show us the might of the social u media and what can be achieved if it is used u cleverly. Within a few days u of its launch u, the song u became an internet u sensation and was perhaps u the only Tamil song u that I have heard u on FM stations u in Mumbai. It has been featured u on news channels u and music stations u across the globe! All of this u, even before the music album u of the film was 'officially' released u....and, this is the best u part, at zero marketing spend u! Do I see case studies u being made at the IIMs?
Secondly, the product itself u is good. The 'kuuthu' beats u work u wonderfully well u with the silly Tanglish lyrics u that Dhanush himself has penned u. Kuuthu music in Tamil films u, can almost always be banked upon u to deliver a catchy number u, this one has just found u resonance worldwide u. The silly lyrics u, as Dhanush himself calls them, works u for the audience u, notwithstanding Javed Akhtar's u views u on them! I saw the video after a couple of days u of its release u on social media, when someone shared u it on one of the groups u that I am a member of, on Facebook u. I liked u it instantly! I couldn't help but u share it on my wall u. To me what sounds good u is good enough. The almost casual atmosphere u seen in the video of the song recording u, suits itself u perfectly well to be marketed u through the 'casualness' u of social media. The colloquial Tanglish u with a distinct accent u is a good do as well. It appears u that Dhanush, Aniruddha u, Aishwarya and Shruti were having u a lot of fun making u the song u. And, of course u, the wide toothed u innocence of Dhanush's smile works u with the girls u!
Last u, but not the least u, as most of his fans u would have worked u it out by now u, the song u works because it has Rajini connect u! It is also rumoured u that the superstar u is going to feature u in a special appearance u for this song u in the movie.
Looks like Rajinikanth knows u why this kolaveri di! Should I be surprised u?
Please take care u!
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