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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 31 - Wardrobe Malfunction...and more!

Imagine that you are standing in front of a group of 40 people and addressing them, and someone informs you that your fly is open....!  Embarassing?  :-))  No.  Very embarassing!  :-(( This is exactly what happened to me on Friday at Chennai, when I was talking to my former team mates at Olympia.  Thankfully, the group pretended that they never took notice of this 'wardrobe malfunction' to avoid embarassment for me.  Thanks team for that!  And, yes, thanks Bonny for limiting the damage.  Janet Jackson, Carole Gracious, you have company now.

This week was very hectic at work, with a lot of visitors from across the globe.  One invariably tends to end up doing nothing other than 'meeting-hopping' throughout the day in such situations.  But at the end of it all, I thought the visits were very useful. 

After a long time I saw the entire Republic Day parade at New Delhi on television on 26th.  By the way, it was so foggy that one would find it difficult to distinguish between a battle tank and a cultural tableau.  Even this day was hectic as lunch was with the FMS gang and dinner at Hari Chitappa's place, celebrating his birthday.  It was good to meet up with Daddu, Dhiru, BG, Roopa and Danda after a long time.  A good session at Banana Leaf, with Dhiru assuming the role of a quasi-host!

Flew to Chennai on Friday morning and was there for a couple of days, to deal with the formalities of taking over possession of my apartment.  Thanks to Sukumar for playing the gracious host while I was in Chennai.  Dinner with my erstwhile team and Bonny on Friday and BN and some intense discussions late into the night on both days.  A lot of food for thought, I am sure, especially for me, Suku and Akhilesh!

Another busy week, or for that matter, busy month, awaits!

Take care.


Horizon said...

Looks like you have had a very nostalgic month. Was good to see you in chennai and have a good month ahead.

Even to people who have astonishing piece of memory , it is such a challenge not to fall prey to this zipper issue.It takes an effort to ensure that we don't get embarrassed when we go for natures call and come back to desk or attend a meeting right after that, can imagine how embarrassed you would have been:)

Suresh Iyer said...

Yes, but this was nothing to do with memory. The zip on that pair of jeans is really malfunctioning, does not have a 'lock'!:-))